
ERDEM SOFTWARE GROUP was established by a Professional team in 2005 to create automation systems with barcode and sector software solutions under ERDEM LABEL which is active in Gaziantep; organised and this group is completed more than 40 projects during its short background.

Company creates automation software with barcode systems to provide order, raw material, planning production, inventory and shipment control for carpet and yarn sector mostly with HALISOFT brand name and also it install the machines, equipments and automation systems used in these systems in carpet manufacturing companies from production to final process (from raw material input to final product stage) and delivering the system as controllable by you. And also it keeps the consumption materials used in these machines and equipments in its stocks.
Furter to our company motto; “ WE ARE READY TO SERVE ”, in order to supply you with your any requirement.

We hope to see you in our esteemed customers portfolio...

For information about software solutions

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